نبيلة اسبانيولي
Nabila Espanioly

Curriculum Vitae
Name: Nabila Espanioly
Date of Birth: 1955 (in Nazareth)
Address: c/o ‘Al-Tufula’ Pedagogical Center
Nazareth Nurseries Institute
P.O. Box 2404
Nazareth, 16000, Israel
Telefax: 972 6 656 6386
Telephone: 972 6 645 3943
Mobile phone 972 505 581709
Email: Info@altufula.org
Facebook Nabila espanioly نبيلة اسبانيولي
1975 High School Certificate from the Franciscan Girl’s High School, Nazareth.
1978 B.A. in Social Work from Haifa University
1980 Studies towards an M.A. in Social Work at the Jerusalem University.
1981 Studies in Germany for the German language at Bochum University.
1987 M.A. in Psychology from Bamberg University, Germany.
1987 - Present Several training courses in Management, Fundraising, Lobbying, Social Change etc.
Work Experience
1974 – 1980 Social Worker in Nazareth, Fridis Village and Jerusalem
1980- 1987 In Germany worked in different students jobs.
1987 – 1989 Worked in “Dar Al-Tifil Alarabi” in Akko, as a Psychology teacher, also responsible for the development of the Early Childhood Curriculum
1989- present Founded the Pedagogical Centre and Multipurpose Women’s Centre in Nazareth (Al-Tufula), in conjunction with a group of women. I have been the Director of the Centre since that time.
1988 – 1991 Acted as an Academic Counselor at “Friends World College – Middle East Israel Centre – in Jerusalem”. Long Island University in New York.
1991 Visiting lecturer at Haifa University, in the Department for Women’s Studies, “Women in the Arab World”.
1993 Director of “Partnership”, in Haifa.
1998 Lecturer on ECCD in Oranim college.
1978 – Present Conducting lectures for parents, teachers, educators, and in the community at large, on several topics concerning Early Childhood Education, the status of women, Empowerment, Palestinian women in Israel, Violence against women, Sex Education, women in the media, women’s political participation etc.
1987- present Writer and editor of different books in Arabic related to Early childhood care and development, and different Articles in Hebrew, Arabic, English and German language on general social and political issues especially related to women.
Other Activities
1990 – 1993 Chairwoman of Partnership, in Haifa
1989 – 1995 Board member of the “Organization of Arab Workers in Mental Health”
1992 – 2001 Member of the Board; Follow-up Committee for Arab Education
1992 – now Cofounder and member in the coalition for personal status law.
1992 – 2000 Chairwomen of the coalition for ECCD in the Arab community organized by shatil
2000 - 2002 Member in the coalition for ECCD in the Arab community organized by shatil
1995 – 1999 Member of the Board; Women against Violence, Nazareth
1997 – 2000 cofounder and member of albadil the coalition against femicide.
1987 – Present Active in various women’s organizations and peace organizations, such as; the Feminist Centre in Haifa, Women in Black, The Coalition of Women and Peace etc.
1996 – present Cofounder and member in the working group on the Palestinian women statues in Israel.
1998- 2000 Steering committee member in “Engendering the Peace Process”
1996- 1997 Board member in the lobby project of Shatil and Ittajeh.
1998- present Member of Dear Yassen Remmber organization.
1997- 2009 Cofounder and Board member of Mossawa center
2000- 2009 Chairwomen of Mossawa center
2004- 2012 Member of shatil committee
2005- 2012 Member of the international public council of the NIF.
2006- 2012 Member of the Grant committee of the New Israel Fund.
2006- 2009 Cofounder and member of the Board of Mobadara the Arab center for emergency.
2011 Nominated as one of 100 inspiring persons by "Women Deliver US".
2006 Nominated for the Nobel peace Prize as one of “Thousand women for peace”.
2005 Nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize as one of “Thousand women for peace”.
2003 Received “The International Aachen Peace Price” - Germany
1997 Women’s Leadership award of The NIF on the Name of Alis Schalwi, Boston.
1996 Elected as one of ten women of the year by Lady Globes Journal.
1995 Women’s Leadership award of the Israeli Women Network
Article Publications
Published various articles in local newspapers and Journals in Arabic and Hebrew
In English:
Nabila Espanioly; “Nightmare” in Nahla Abdo and Ronit lentin; Women and the Politics of Military Confrontation; Palestinian and Israeli Gendered Narratives of Dislocation summer 2002.
Nabila Espanioly; “Violence against women: A Palestinian women’s perspective” in women studies International Forum, vol20,nos5l6 pp587-592, 1997.
Participated in the preparation of a report on the “Status of Palestinian Women in Israel”, presented to the UN Commission “CEDAW”, 1997.
Nabila Espanioly: “Political Participation of Palestinian Women in Israel”, in MEDITERRNEAN, December 1994.
Espanioly, N.: “Palestinian Women in Israel: Identity in Light of the Israeli Occupation”. In Tamar Meyer (edt.) “Occupier and Occupied: The Impact of Israeli Occupation on Jewish, Palestinian, and Israeli Arab, Women” Routledge, 1994
Espanioly, N.: “Palestinian Women in Israel: Changes and Challenges” in Challenge (a Magazine of the Israeli left) March-April 1993, Vol. IV, No. 2, Number 18, p.29.
Espanioly, Nabila (1991): “Palestinian Women in Israel Respond to the Intifada” in Swirski & Safer “Calling it the Equality Bluff: Women in Israel”, New York Pergamon Press, p.147-151.
Nabila Espanioly and Dalia Sachs: “Peace Process: Israeli and Palestinian Women”, Bridges, Vol. 2, No. 2, Fall 1991, p.112-119.
Nabila Espanioly: “Women go for Peace Conference” in Jewish Women’s “Call for Peace: A Handbook for Jewish women on the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict, Fireband Books, Ithaca, New York, 1990.
Participated in the preparation of a report on the “Status of Palestinian Women in Israel”, presented to the UN Commission “CEDAW”, 2005.
Several other publications in Arabic, Hebrew and German languages
Book Publications
Nabila Espanioly & Hala Espanioly “Al-Rawda”
A book on working with children in Kindergartens (3-5 year olds)
First Edition – 1992
Second Edition – 2000
Third Edition - 2003
Nabila Espanioly & Hala Espanioly “Hadana”
A book on working with children in Nurseries (birth – 3 years)
First Edition – 1992
Second Edition – 1997
Third Edition - 2002
Nabila Espanioly “Alab Walnomu” Toys and the developmental contribution of toys, to children’s development, and the ways of preparing toys for children (birth – 4 years), 1993.
Nabila Espanioly “Al Tarbia Algensia” Sex Education for the Early ages (birth – 6 years)
First Edition – 1998
Nabila Espanioly “Altaugeh Altadimi” Empowerment approach as it was developed over the years in the Al-Tufula Centre, 2000.
Nabila Espanioly & Hala Espanioly “Atfaluna Fi Mogehat Alasamt:
Our children dealing with stress a guide for teacher on who to work with children after the “black October” events. Published by Altufula Center October 2000.
Nabila Espanioly & Hala Espanioly “Atfaluna Fi Mogehat Alasamt:
Our children dealing with stress a guide for Parents on who to work with children after the “black October” events. Published by Altufula Center October 2000.
Nabila Espanioly: “Dalil Altadrib Alfael” Training Manual on active training. Published by Altufula center in 2002.
Nabila Espanioly & Hala Espanioly “Algensoia” Sexsim in children literature a research report. Published by Altufula Center March 2003.
Nabila Espanioly & Najla Zaroubi, Educational kit on "Plants and Identity". . Published by Al-Tufula Center and Musharaka 2007